Thursday, February 5, 2009

I challenge myself

Most good things in life for me have come without much focused effort.  As a result, I readily admit these good accomplished things are mediocre in grandeur. A person can reach an age to be able to start to reflect. Notice trends and tendancies in life. Begin to realize similar decisions are made consistently. Also, see specific periods of life. Remember that angry stage? Or, the period when you felt love? Then, there was the time you were most interested in personal style and kept up with top 40. Worst of all was that lonely phase. 

The subject matter that always interested me has been science and business. Over the past 10 years, my science interest has moderately and steadily increased til about two years ago when I discovered what has been going on the field of neuroscience. In the past two years, my interest level has now peaked to where I am constantly in a state of wanting to know more about the study of this science. 

Since this particular science study is only 40 years old, many people remain unfamiliar with the significant benefits it provides. The science allows for insight into the functionality of our brain, how we process information and how the environment impacts us. I started examining my life through the filter of neuroscience. So many consistent behaviours become apparent. Much of the way we function in life is a result of our unique world view or our belief structure. 

I have written very few things in my life, and this is a daunting undertaking for me. Or, at least I view this writing as daunting. If you become a follower of this blog, you will come to understand how "attention" is so important and how it actually changes the physical structure of your brian. So, this blog will not only allow for me to write about things I've learned, but it will further "hard-wire" the concepts into my brain. 


  1. Off to a good start! I'm looking forward to future posts.

  2. I look forward to reading more of your post. I too have often pondered on my thoughts and where they can lead me. I hope in time your input will help me discover what "it" all means..
