Friday, March 20, 2009

For A Change....

When are we going to realize the fact that small things make up the big things?!? We are all complaining about the global crisis currently impacting our lives in a negative way. Everyone has an answer and most commonly it has to do with someone else doing something wrong. Or, people blame the system itself for being corrupt or dysfunctional. Political figures can blame big business. Big business blames the irresponsible consumer, or the government intrusion. Why don’t we all just admit to ourselves that we Americans want our way of life and desire the faceless unknown to pay for it regardless of any suffering as the cost?

I personally know of no one who lives completely responsibly. That admission shames me. Not I, my family or friends, or anyone with whom I associate can be a role model. We are all taking advantage of another or something somehow. Most of my family members are Christians, yet, sad to say, none of us could be a model citizen or even human being for that matter. I’m unaware of anyone in my family or friends who contributes directly to the poor, shut-ins, homeless, or otherwise less fortunate. Few of us recycle as much as possible or live in a way that doesn’t harm our environment. We don’t really give much thought to our daily actions. I have a friend who complains about the way of the world as he throws a cigarette butt on the ground!

More often than not, I suspect there is a lack of complete disclosure and transparency when necessary, specifically in financial matters. Most of us always try to get something for nothing, or less than the value of it. All of us have bad relationships in more than one instance: either with other people, food, possessions, substance abuse of some kind, and with some of us, we just can’t allow another person to have an opinion and admit we could be, or are wrong.

How can we say a word about Wall Street bailouts, a war we may not agree with, political/government regulations which seem or appear to not be in line with our world view, when we do not think one moment, ourselves, about taking that plastic bag at the market to haul all the glutinous junk food we just bought at the local market? Do we think our bodies are designed to function optimally from consuming Sierra Mist, 16 oz rib-eyes, mac-n-cheese and powdered donuts? Then we take our diabetes medicine to offset the impact of such a meal, or years down the road pay a heart surgeon $100k to perform bypass surgery to clean all the plaque from our arteries! We all want a bailout!

If all of us should focus on the “mote” in our own eyes! Government cannot fix our problems. Let’s take responsibility for ourselves. Live consciously. Let’s stop simply existing from emotion-to-emotion and take control of our lives! Let’s stop making excuses for ourselves! Why not set a higher standard than merely what the law allows or demands? The law should cover the least common denominator for setting the standard. Surely we are capable creatures….or are we?